WOW. Two posts in one day!
Anyway, I'm really trying to get back on the weight loss train. I was really good this week, at least with the eating out. I'm going back to the only one day a week eating out. Friday is usually the day, but it was Monday this week. I cooked and brought my lunch the rest of the week. It wasn't a really great week though, because there were still so many sweets left over from my bday. But that's ok, slow and steady right?
I got the
Hungry Girl book with one of my bday gift cards. It seems fun. I made my first recipe,
Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge. It's different, for sure. But pretty good! I took it to work and my boss even liked it. So score there! I also went to the store and picked up a lot of stuff that was in her book. Low fat bread, turkey hot dogs, 100 calorie English muffins.
Yesterday for breakfast I made a healthy breakfast sandwich. Egg beaters, 2% cheese, Canadian bacon and the English muffin. It was pretty good! I also ate a banana. I've also made English muffin pizzas with turkey pepperoni, which is VERY tasty stuff. I made scrambled eggs with veggies this morning (mushrooms, onions, three colors of peppers). I had a turkey hot dog last night for the first time. It was good. I have to admit, I had to look up how to cook a hot dog on the Internet. I have never made one!! Crazy, I know.
I'm still on the lookout for the shirataki noodles that she talks about on her site. I've been to three stores with no luck so far. Maybe I'll have luck at the Asian market.
I took a big step and am trying to work more Splenda into and more sugar out of my diet. I took my sugar container and mixed it half and half, Splenda and sugar. I can't handle the flavor of pure Splenda, so I thought this was a good compromise.
I worked out three days this week. I'm going to go out in a bit for a walk to Target. It's about a 30 minute walk round trip, so that's perfect to throw in on the weekends. I'm going to try to get in at least 5 days a week. I need tobe better at work. My girlfriend at work has started working out with me after work, so hopefully we will be able to push each other.
I weighed myself this week for the first time since the beginning of December. At my lowest point, I had lost 40 lbs. I've gained 23 of that back. I'm so angry at myself. I know the first big part of it was medication, but still. The last bit is ALL crappy eating over the holidays and no exercise. UGH!